Register Here for INSCR Conference This registration page is for students who have already registered for the INSCR Pre-Conference Workshop and would like to join the INSCR Conference as well. Name *Select *Select a categoryStudentResearch Scholars/StartupsFaculty/ScientistIndustryName of Institute/Start-up/Industry *Email Address *Phone *Select *Category of participationParticipation OnlyPoster PresentationConference ProceedingTechnology PresentationUpload Abstract for Conference Proceeding *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileUpload Abstract for Poster Presentation *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileTechnology Pitching *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileNoteUpload files in PDF Format as per the template provided below (Less than 4 MB) Download Templates Below Poster Template Abstract Template Technology Pitch Template Registration Charges for The Conference UG or PG Students: INR 800 PhD or Post Doc: INR 1500 Faculty: INR 3500 Foreign Students: INR 10500 School Students: INR 300 Proceed to payment